REB670 | ABB Busbar Protection Relay Spot goods

REB670 | ABB Busbar Protection Relay Spot goods

Brand: ABB

Product ID: REB670

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



The REB670 IED (Intelligent Electronic Device) featuresexcellent application flexibility.  It is designed for theprotection and monitoring of busbars, T-connections andmeshed corners from medium to extra high voltage levels. Due to its extensive I/O capability, REB670 protectssingle and double busbars with or without transfer bus,double circuit breaker or one-and-half circuit breakerarrangements. The REB670 IED provides selective, reliable and fast fault clearance for all types of internal phase-to-phase and phase-toearth faults in solidly earthed or low impedance earthed powersystems.  It can also handle all internal multi-phase faults inisolated or high-impedance earthed power systems. REB670 features complete busbar protection, which in addition to differential protection includes flexible dynamic zoneselection (disconnector replica) integrated in one IED.  Thisenables dynamic CT connections to differential zones, as wellas selective busbar and breaker failure tripping, disconnector and circuit breaker status supervision.  Due to its uniquemeasuring principle, this IED has very low CT requirementscompared to other numerical differential protection devices. In-depth busbar protection knowledgeThe REB670 IED continues ABB’s strong track record in busbarprotection, starting from analog busbar protection relays INX2/5,RADSS, REB 101/103.  So far, these relays have been successfully installed for over 40 years.  ABB also has more than 10 yearsof experience of numerical busbar protection based on REB500and RED521.  All these devices have shown an impressive trackrecord with no false operation due to incorrect IED functioning.  Today, more than 20 000 zones equipped with ABB busbarprotection are in service throughout the world.

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Always correct behavior REB670 is fast and stable simultaneously – such a uniquecombination is essential for effective busbar protection. ThisIED features extremely short operate time, typically 12 ms, formost internal faults, regardless of the number of connectedfeeders. At the same time, it maintains complete stability forexternal faults, even when heavy CT saturation occurs. It alsohas very low CT requirements compared to other numericaldifferential protection devices due to its unique measuringprinciple, which allows the sharing of CT circuits with otherprotection relays and thus saves costs. The low CT requirements guarantee stability and correct operation as long as theCT is not saturated for at least two milliseconds during eachpower system cycle. Furthermore, the REB670 provides superior sensitivity to internal faults, thus protecting your powersystem objects from extensive damage and long repair times.Additionally, it effectively recognizes and operates correctly forall types of evolving faults. Optimized performance The REB670 IED features multiple algorithms in a single device. It features two differential protection functions: one basicand one with a sensitive operational level. The latter is able todetect internal busbar earth faults in low impedance earthedpower systems, where a neutral point reactor or resistor limitsthe earth-fault current typically from 300A to 2000A. In addition, you can utilize the sensitive operation level when energizing the bus via long line, since this requires high sensitivityfrom busbar differential protection.


The innovative and fast measuring algorithm detects andprevents incorrect operation during open CT circuits. Thesupervision of open CTs of the IED allows you to design resetlogic for the automatic re-start of the IED when the CT is reconnected. This supervision functionality can also generatealarms and trigger the disturbance recorder. The integrated overall check zone feature can be used indouble busbar stations to secure stability of the busbar differential protection in cases where status indication of a busbardisconnector is entirely wrong in any of the feeder bays. REB670 integrates zone selection functionality into a singleIED and therefore no external equipment for CT switching andbusbar protection trip routing is needed. The flexible zone selection allows automatic linking of CTs to the actual differentialprotection zone at any time. REB670 provides maximum safety for your substationpersonnel in a fault situation. It also allows you to easily takea bay out of service for maintenance, and yet keep the busbarprotection in operation during the maintenance period. Youcan disconnect the bay via the IED HMI or a selector switch.To sum up, REB670 is the most reliable solution for protecting the most precious assets of your power system: the mostessential objects and your people. REB670 is designed for IEC 61850, implementing all the aspectsof this standard and thus ensuring open, future-proof and flexiblesystem architectures, with state-of-the- art performance.

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