RET670 1MRK004816-AC | Transformer Protection Relay Spot goods

RET670 1MRK004816-AC | Transformer Protection Relay Spot goods

Brand: ABB

Product ID: RET670

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



RET670 provides fast and selective protection, monitoring andcontrol for two- and three-winding transformers,autotransformers, step-up transformers and generatortransformer block units, phase shifting transformers, specialrailway transformers and shunt reactors. The IED is designed tooperate correctly over a wide frequency range in order toaccommodate power system frequency variations duringdisturbances and generator start-up and shut-down. RET670 has a fast, low-impedance differential protectionfunction with very low requirements on the CTs.It is suitable fordifferential applications with multi-breaker arrangements withup to six restraint CT inputs. The differential protection functionis provided with a 2nd harmonic and waveform-block restraintfeature to avoid tripping for CT saturation and transformerinrush current, and 5th harmonic restraint to avoid tripping fortransformer overexcitation. The differential function offers a high sensitivity for low-levelinternal faults by using a sensitive differential protection featurebased on an amplitude measurement and directionalcomparison of the negative sequence components.

Multiple low impedance restricted earth-fault protectionfunctions are available as a sensitive and fast main protectionagainst winding earth faults. This function includes a internal/external fault discriminator for additional security.

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Additionally, a high impedance differential protection function isavailable.   It can be used for different applications includingrestricted earth fault protection as winding protection,autotransformer differential protection, shunt reactorprotection, T-feeder protection, busbar protection andgenerator differential protection. Tripping and alarm signals from pressure relief, Buchholz andtemperature devices can be sent directly to RET670 via binaryinput channels for alarm and back-up purposes.   The binaryinputs are highly stabilized against disturbances to preventincorrect operation due to, for example, DC system capacitivedischarges or DC earth faults. Distance protection functionality is available as back-upprotection for faults within the transformer and in the connectedpower system. Positive, negative and zero sequence overcurrent functions,which can optionally be made directional and/or voltagecontrolled, provide further alternative backup protection. Thermal overload, overexcitation, over/under voltage and over/under frequency protection functions are also available. Breaker failure protection for each transformer breaker allowshigh speed back-up tripping of surrounding breakers.

A built-in disturbance and event recorder provides valuabledata to the user about status and operation for post-faultdisturbance analysis. RET670 can optionally be provided with full control andinterlocking functionality including a synchrocheck function toallow integration of the main or local back-up controlfunctionality.


A pole slip protection function is also available in RET670 todetect, evaluate, and take the required action for pole slippingoccurrences in the power system. The electrical system partsswinging to each other can be separated with the line(s) closestto the centre of the power swing, allowing the two systems tobe stable when separated. RET670 can be used in applications with the IEC 61850-9-2LEprocess bus with up to six merging units (MU) The advanced logic capability, where user logic is preparedwith a graphical tool, allows for special applications such asautomatic opening of disconnectors in multi-breakerarrangements, closing of breaker rings and load transfer logic.Logic can be monitored and debugged online in real time fortesting and commissioning. Communication via optical connections ensures immunityagainst disturbances. Six packages have been defined for the following applications: • Transformer back-up protection (A10) • Voltage control (A25) • Two-winding transformer in single breaker arrangements(A30) • Two-winding transformer in multi breaker arrangements(B30) • Three-winding transformer in single breaker arrangements(A40) • Three-winding transformer in multi breaker arrangements(B40) Optional functions are not configured but a maximumconfiguration with all optional functions are available astemplate in the graphical configuration tool. An alternative forAutotransformers is also available as a configuration template.Analog and tripping IO has been pre-defined for basic use onthe, as standard supplied one binary input module and onebinary output module. Add binary I/O as required for yourapplication at ordering. Other signals need to be applied asrequired for each application.

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The company focuses on DCS, PLC, robot, large servo four systems

The main products are various modules/cards, controllers, touch screens, servo drivers Company advantage: Supply imported original products, professional production of spare parts One year warranty, fast delivery time, complete supply !!! ① 24 hours email response (12 hours); ② For shipment outside Asia, please contact the seller.

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