3706A | Triconex Thermocouple Analog Input Module

3706A | Triconex Thermocouple Analog Input Module


Product ID: 3706A

Condition: New / used

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Tricon system features To ensure the integrity of the system at all times, Tricon has the following features: - Provides a triple module redundancy structure where three identical sub-circuits independently perform the degree of control. There is also a dedicated hardware/software structure to "vote" on inputs and outputs. - Withstand harsh industrial environments. - Can be installed on site, and can be installed and repaired online at the module level without disrupting onsite cables. - Supports up to 118 I/O modules (analog and digital) and optional communication modules that can be connected to Modbus master and slave stations. Or connect Foxboro to Honeywell Distributed Control Systems (DCS), other Tricons within Peer-to-Peer networks, and external hosts over TCP/IP networks. - Can support remote I/O modules located up to 12 km (7.5 mi) away from the main frame. - Complete the development and debugging of the control program by using programming software based on WINDOWS system. - Intelligent functions in the input and output modules to reduce the workload of the main processor. Each I/O module has three microprocessors. The input module's microprocessor filters and repairs the input and diagnoses hardware failures on the module. The output module microprocessor provides information for the voting of the output data, checks the validity of the output status by the feedback loop voltage at the output, and can diagnose problems with the field line. - Provide comprehensive online diagnostics with repair capabilities. - Routine maintenance can be performed while Tricon is operating normally without interrupting the control process. - Provides hot backup for I/O modules in critical situations where services cannot be provided in a timely manner.

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Summary of Tricon Chassis • Main Chassis—houses MainProcessors, memory back-upbatteries, communication modulesand I/O modules. • Expansion Chassis—for additionalI/O modules up to 100 feet (30meters) away from the MainChassis.     In restricted applications,operation up to 1,000 feet (300meters) is supported. • RXM Chassis—for I/O modules upto 7.5 miles (12 kilometers) awayfrom the Main Chassis. • Mechanical Keying—Each slot inthe Tricon is mechanically keyed tocorrespond with a specific type ofmodule.     This prevents theinstallation of modules intoimproper slots. Power Supply Modules • Provide logic power to modules inthe Main, Expansion or RXMChassis.     Available in 24 VDC, 115VAC and 230 VAC versions.     Thepower rating of each power supply is175 watts at 140 ° F (60° C).

Main Processors The Main Processors execute thesystem diagnostics and the user-writtencontrol program. Communication Modules • Tricon Communication Modules(TCM) support a number ofTriconex protocols and applicationsand user-written applications onEthernet (802.3) networks,including TriStation, Modbus TCPand OPC.    It also supports RS-232and RS-485 serial communicationwith Modbus devices, TriStation1131, and GPS for timesynchronization. • Enhanced IntelligentCommunication Modules (EICM)support RS-232, RS-422 and RS485 serial communication withModbus devices and TriStation1131. • Network Communication Modules(NCM) support a number ofTriconex protocols and applicationsand user-written applications onEthernet (802.3) networks,including TriStation 1131. • Safety Manager Modules (SMM) actas an interface between a Triconcontroller and a HoneywellUniversal Control Network (UCN),one of three principal networks ofthe TDC-3000 DCS. • Hiway Interface Modules (HIM) actas an interface between a Triconcontroller and a HoneywellTDC-3000 Hiway Gateway andLocal Control Network (LCN). • Advanced Communication Modules(ACM) allow a Tricon controller tointerface with a Foxboro IndustrialAutomation (I/A) Series DCS andTriStation 1131.


Fiber-Optic RemoteExtender Modules (RXM) For operation of Expansion Chassis upto 7.5 miles (12 kilometers) away fromthe Main Chassis, with exceptionalimmunity against electro-static andelectro-magnetic interference. Interface Modules • HART Analog Input InterfaceModules act as an interface between4-20 mA analog input points fromHART smart devices in the field andHART Host software running on aPC. • HART Analog Output InterfaceModules act as an interface between4-20 mA analog output points fromHART smart devices in the field andHART Host software running on aPC. I/O Modules • Digital Input Modules receivediscrete signals of these nominalvoltages: 115 VAC/VDC, 48VAC/VDC, and 24 VAC/VDC. Allvoltages are available in TMRmodules. Non-TMR modules areavailable in 24 VDC and 48 VDConly. Speed input and totalizationmodules are also available. • Supervised Digital Output Modulesproduce discrete output signals ofthese nominal voltages, withdiagnostic coverage of the fieldcircuit and load device: 115 VAC,120 VDC, 48 VDC, and 24 VDC. • Digital Output Modules producediscrete output signals of thesenominal voltages: 115 VAC, 12018Product SpecificationsVDC, 24 VDC, and 48 VDC. Dualoutput modules are also available. • Analog Input Modules receiveanalog signals of these types: 0-5VDC, -5 to +5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, andThermocouple types J, K, T and E.Available in both isolated and DCcoupled versions. • Analog Output Modules areavailable in these versions: eightoutput points at 4-20 mA; six outputpoints at 4-20 mA and two at 20-320mA; and four output points at -60 to60 mA.

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The company focuses on DCS, PLC, robot, large servo four systems

The main products are various modules/cards, controllers, touch screens, servo drivers Company advantage: Supply imported original products, professional production of spare parts One year warranty, fast delivery time, complete supply !!! ① 24 hours email response (12 hours); ② For shipment outside Asia, please contact the seller.

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