REX010 | Earth Fault Protection Unit (EFPU)

REX010 | Earth Fault Protection Unit (EFPU)

Brand: ABB

Product ID: REX010

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



Features • Compact design • Perfectly matched for the REG216/REG316*4 • Provides protection of the whole statorwinding including the neutral point • Continuous supervision of the injectionvoltage and the primary earthing system • Suitable for two separate earthing pointswithin the protected zone • Continuous self-supervision of the injectionsignal with respect to amplitude and frequency • Auxiliary DC power supply from station battery from 36 to 312 V DC • Applicable for all commonly used earthingand excitation-systems for generators • Continuous supervision of the insulationresistance and calculation of the earth faultresistance • The principle is based on the well-knownoffset method, using injection of a lowfrequency signal • Suitable for updating existing plants • Insensitive to external disturbances

Application The unit is applied for the protection of generators in block configuration for earth faultson the generator side. For the implementationof the 100% stator and rotor earth faultprotection using a REG216/316*4, an injection unit REX010 and the injection transformer REX011 are required. This injectionequipment can be applied to all commongenerator earthing- and excitation-systems.The protection is active during all states ofthe machine, standstill as well as run-up andrun-down.

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General The earth fault protection is based on the injection of a coded signal. The resulting offsetvoltage is utilized to calculate the earth resistance (Rf). The injection signal is produced in the injection unit REX010 and applied to the generator through the transformer unit REX011. Forthe coupling to the protected unit resistors(RE, RP) are used. For the rotor earth faultprotection two capacitors are required inaddition. The measurement signals for earth fault protection are processed by the REG216 or theREG316*4 respectively. The equipment described protects 100% ofthe generator stator winding. Two independent protection functions are applied: one for95% and one, using a different algorithm, for100% of the stator winding. The 100% function is calculating the earth resistance and the95% function is measuring the neutral voltagedisplacement of the generator. a) The 100% function protects 35% of thestator windings from the neutral pointfor Rf = 0 and I0max = 15 A b) The 95% function (U>) protects 95% ofthe generator stator winding from theterminals. This results in an overlap(redundancy) of the two protection functions as seen in Fig. 1. The 100% function increases in sensitivitywith increasing earth fault resistance anddecreasing earth fault current.


Hardware The protection equipment consists of the following units (Figures 4 – 8): REG216/316*4: Numerical generator protection REX010: Injection unit REX011: Injection transformer unitwith auxiliary contactor In addition the following components arerequired: - Earthing resistors in the generator neutral point (REs, RPs) and in the excitation circuit (REr, RPr) - Coupling capacitors in the excitationcircuit of the rotor - Voltage transformers The injection unit (REX010) together withthe injection transformer (REX011) producesthree coded square wave signals (Uis, Uir,Ui) with a frequency fN/4. These square wavesignals are injected into the protected objectvia the coupling components. The threesquare waves have different amplitudes: Uis(Injection signal for the stator), Uir (Injectionsignal for the rotor) and Ui (reference signalfor the REG216/316*4). The injection unitREX010 is connected to the station batteryand the injection signal voltage is generatedeither by the battery or by an internal DC/DCconverter.

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