RXTUG 22H 1MRK000592-A | Relay Accessories

RXTUG 22H 1MRK000592-A | Relay Accessories

Brand: ABB

Product ID: RXTUG 22H 1MRK000592-A

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



Features • Micro-processor based impedance relaywith R and X settings for operate valuesand built in time delay functions • Characteristic angle settable 0° to 120° • Three variants with wide setting ranges:  - RXZK 21H: one zone + time function  - RXZK 22H: two impedance measuringzones  - RXZK 23H: one zone + out-of-stepfunction • Definite time delay settable 0,1-5 s onsecond measuring stage • Directional function with settablecharacteristic angle 0° to +120° andmemory • Assemblies • Independent measuring elements withindications built in • Test switch and heavy-duty start and tripoutput contacts are available as options

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The RXZK family of single phase directionaland non directional impedance relays areintended for general purpose use in powersystems as primary or back-up functionsoften in combination with other protectiverelays. The quadrilateral impedance reachcharacteristic is independently adjustable inthe reactive and resistive direction. Forward,reverse and non directional functions areavailable. Applications of RXZK 21 and 22Hinclude single zone and two zone impedanceprotection of transformers, generators, linesand cables. Where it is necessary to obtain thesame reach for two-phase and three-phasefaults the relay assembly should be connectedto measure delta-current i.e. IR-IS and phaseto phase voltage i.e. UR-US for each measuring elements respectively. The delta currentcan be derived using a auxiliary CT’s orsometimes by connecting the main CT indelta (e.g together with the transformer differential relays. The RXZK 23H is intendedfor detecting out of step conditions for tielines and synchronous generators and motors.The RXZK 23H includes a current reversallogic in order to set up a trip condition. Thisensures that the relay will not trip on stableswing conditions, i.e. swings not resulting ina current reversal.

The impedance relay assemblies with RXZKare available in several variants with differentoutput circuitries. A short circuiting connector, type RTXK, isdelivered with each impedance relay. Inassemblies this connector is mounted on therear of the terminal base and will automatically short-circuit the current input when therelay is removed from the terminal base. The RXZK relay requires a separate dc-dcconverter for auxiliary supply (±24 V). OneRXTUG 22H converter can supply up to ninerelays.

Note: When the RXZK relay or the dc-dcconverter is plugged into or withdrawn froma terminal base, the auxiliary voltage supplymust be interrupted. Neither is it allowed toopen wiring on plus or minus supply withunit in service.


The impedance relay, type RXZK 2H, is amicroprocessor based relay. The relay consists mainly of two input transformers, onefor current and one for voltage measuring, filter circuits, microprocessor, HMI, LEDs forindications of relay in service, trip of directional function, trip of stage one and trip ofstage two, and three output units which provide separate change-over contacts for tripfunctions equal to the LEDs. The relay is alsoequipped with two binary inputs, one forblocking all functions and the other for resetand blocking of LEDs. The impedance operate value of RXZK 22Hfor stage 1 is set on the scale marked Z1 onthe front of the relay. The impedance setting is Z1 = R1 + X1,where the resistive setting follows theformula R1 = X1 x k (Ω). The reactive setting follows the formula X1 = P1 x (Ω) k is a constant settable with the programmingswitches, and P1 (and P2 for stage 2) is set bya rotating switch on the front of the relay.This setting is made in the same way for thesecond measuring stage. The characteristic angle α is settable between0° to 120° and is common for both stages.The function of Z2 can be blocked within theb angle setting of 0°-45°

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