Brand: ABB

Product ID: INIIT13

Condition: New / used



Set the last calibration date to the current date and reset the

calibration reminder if this is enabled.

c. Automatically return to the normal selected state, however, the

inhibit on the control card will remain active.

d. If the displayed value is outside the stored signal limits, display

an error message.

e. On control cards configured for catalytic sensor inputs, the present

sensor signal will be compared with that recorded when the

sensor was new. A warning will be displayed if the sensitivity of

the sensor has fallen to below 50% of its original value.


When the span gas has been removed and the sensor signal has

returned to normal, do not forget to return the control card to its uninhibited


When the 1st SPAN push-button is pressed, the operation of the selected

control card is similar to when the SPAN push-button is pressed.

To carry out the first time span calibration, proceed as indicated in

Section 9 Steps (1) to (6) but push the 1st SPAN push-button.

Note: 1. In Step (6) when the span calibration is updated, the new

sensor calibration date and the last sensor calibration date

will both be set to the current date.

2. On control cards configured for catalytic sensor inputs, the

sensor span signal value is recorded as the new sensor

value. This value will be used to provide sensor life monitoring

data by comparison with subsequent values obtained during

later calibrations using the SPAN button.SENSOR SIGNAL MONITORING

The operation of the SIGNAL push-button allows the monitoring of the

selected channels sensor signal value. The displayed parameter is

dependent upon the type of sensor drive module fitted to the selected

channel card.

To enter the sensor signal monitoring operation, proceed as follows:

(1) Push and hold the required channel card RESET/SELECT pushbutton for approximately 1.5 seconds until the selected icon appears

on the channel display.

(2) Push the SIGNAL push-button and the selected channel card display

will indicate the sensor signal. The displayed value will depend on the

type of sensor drive module fitted to the channel card as follows:

a. Catalytic Sensor Drive Module

The display will show the live bridge voltage

measured between 01 and 02 in mV. 02 is the

centre point of the second half of the Wheatstone

bridge which is on the channel card.

b. 4 - 20mA Sensor Drive Module

The display will show the live sensor loop current

in mA.

(3) No alterations can be made to the above readings

and pressing either the or push-buttons will

return the selected control card to the selected mode.

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