RXII K4 1MRK001643-AA - Negative Sequence Overcurrent Relay

RXII K4 1MRK001643-AA - Negative Sequence Overcurrent Relay

Brand: ABB

Product ID: RXII K4 1MRK001643-AA

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



Features − Negative sequence overcurrent relays are used to detectunbalanced load on a generator which may cause excessive rotor heating. The relay is also used to detect unbalanced load currents in motors. − The relay can also be used in the other applicationssuch as:  − Unsymmetrical load which increase the negative sequence current.  − Phase interruptions e.g. a broken conductor.  − Failure on one or two poles of a breaker or disconnectswitch at opening and closing − Earth-fault detection in solidly earthed system. − The relay has I-Start, I-Alarm, I-Trip andBlocking functions. − Three current ranges: Ir = 1 A, Ir = 2 A and Ir = 5 A − Set range I-Start 4-40% of Ib (machine current) with inversecharacteristict = K x (Ib /I-)2;K= 0-100 seconds ordefinite time = 0-100 minutes. − Set range I- Alarm 3-30% of Ib (machine current) with defi-nite time = 0-100 seconds. − Thermal memory for block and trip function with the settable cooling time up to 200 minutes − Reset time I-Trip = 0-5 seconds. − Five independent output relays selectable for In Service,I-Start, I-Alarm, I-Trip, Blocking as well as Group 2 active. − Easy selectable setting of parameters through the HMI. − Trip information available via the HMI. − Two groups of setting parameters are settable and readable through the HMI. The active setting group 1 or 2 canbe selected through one of the two binary inputs. − Selectable binary inputs to block or enable I-Start, I-Alarm,I-Trip, change active group and reset of LED and timer. − Testing of the output relays and operation of binary inputscan be performed through the HMI. − Service values are available through the HMI. − Test switch, DC/DC converter and heavy duty trip relaysare available as specified options.

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Negative sequence current relays are primarily applied toprotect generators and motors but also sometimes used intransmission systems to detect unbalanced conditions andfaults. The advantage of the negative sequence current overzero sequence current is that mutually coupled parallel linecurrents are not influencing the measurement and that onlythe three phase currents are used as inputs, i.e. the neutralcurrent is not needed. When a generator is connected to a balanced load the phasecurrents are equal in magnitude and are 120 degrees fromeach other. The flux produced by the stator currents rotatesynchronously with the rotor and eddy currents are not induced in the rotor parts. Unbalanced currents give rise to a negative sequence component in the stator current. The negative sequence current produces an additional flux which rotates at synchronously speedin the opposite direction of the rotor. The eddy currents whichare induced in the rotor parts will have the double networkfrequency. During such sustained conditions, the temperatureof the rotor may reaches high levels which accelerate theageing of the insulation and cause mechanical stress on therotating components.

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