IMDSO14 - Digital Slave Output Module

IMDSO14 - Digital Slave Output Module

Brand: ABB

Product ID: IMDSO14

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



Features and Benefits ■ Wide variety of Input/Output (I/O)types: Analog (high and lowlevels, and temperature), digital,control, turbine control, fieldbus, and sequence of events(SOE). ■ Modular to meet varying I/Orequirements: I/O modules areprovided to meet nearly all I/Oprocessing requirements (isolation, A/D conversion, autocalibration). ■ Dedicated, secureI/O communications: Fastresponse parallel bus supportsup to 64 I/O modules to a singlecontroller pair. ■ Graceful degradation of I/O:Configurable, fail-safe outputmodes. ■ Compatibility withexisting systems: I/O modulescan be used to expand existingINFI 90® OPEN, in conjunctionwith Harmony block I/O, andcan communicate directly withall Harmony controllers. ■ Surface-mount technology:Provides high reliability andconsistent quality.

The Harmony rack I/O system utilizes a wide variety ofinput, output, and signal conditioning modules to interfaceprocess signals to the Symphony™ Enterprise Managementand Control System. Module types, ranging from standardanalog and digital I/O to specialty I/O such asturbine control, field bus, and SOE, can be combined to provide a comprehensive set of functionality to meet all marketand industrial requirements. In addition, Harmony rack I/O, providing functions at themodule mounting unit (MMU) level, and Harmony blockI/O can operate in parallel with a single set of Harmony controllers to form an optimum solution for a specificapplication.

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The main components of Harmony rack I/O are I/O modules, termination units, and the I/Oexpander bus. The Harmony controllers and rack I/O modules communicate over I/O expanderbus. Together a controller and its I/O modules form a subsystem within the Symphony system.The controller performs the actual control functions and the I/O modules process any inputs fromand outputs to field devices for the controller. The termination units provide field wiring termination for I/O modules. The controller can communicate with up to 64 I/O modules connected tothe I/O expander bus The rack I/O module types include: ■ Analog input (ASI, FEC). ■ Analog output (ASO). ■ Control input/output (CIS, QRS). ■ Digital input (DSI, DSM). ■ Digital output (DSO). ■ Specialized input/output (FCS, HSS, SED).

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Analog control stations (SAC) can connect and communicate through termination units and control I/O modules as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Communication is over an RS-485 serial stationlink. Inputs/Outputs Harmony rack I/O supports a variety of input and output signal types, both analog and digital.Analog signals, for example, include pressure and flow transmitter signals, and thermocouple(TC) and RTD temperature inputs. Digital signals are two-state signals that have discrete on andoff voltage levels such as relay contacts, switches, and solenoids. Inputs and outputs can be eitherinternally system powered or externally powered. Refer to the Harmony Rack Input/Output datasheets for specifics on I/O module input and output capabilities. Analog Input The following analog inputs are supported (Fig. 3): ■ 4 to 20 milliampere. ■ 0 to 1 VDC. ■ -10 to +10 VDC. ■ 0 to +10 VDC. ■ 0 to +5 VDC. ■ 1 to 5 VDC. ■ -100 to +100 millivolt (DC). ■ 0 to 100 millivolt (DC).

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