VMIC/GE VMIVME-2540 | Intelligent Counter/Controller

VMIC/GE VMIVME-2540 | Intelligent Counter/Controller

Brand: VMIC

Product ID: VMIVME-2540

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union




• Event counting - up to 4 giga events • Frequency measurement —1.16 x 10-3 Hz to 2.5 MHz • Period/pulse-width measurement—400 ns to 8.5899 x 106 s (32-bit floatingpoint), 400 ns to 858 s (32-bit unsigned integer) • Square wave/pulse train generation - 0.0076 Hz to 2.5 MHz • Timer/periodic VMEbus interrupter - 0.0076 to 1,000 Hz • Quadrature position measurement - sin/cos up to 1 MHz, 32-bit counters,limit/modulo checking • Integer period/pulse-width measurement 16- and 32-bit, discrete orcontinuous; low data transport lags • Programmed output - up to 24 discrete outputs • Pulse sequence mode - train of N pulses with programmable duty cycle • Quadrature position control outputs - ±1/4 wave control resolution; up to1.25 MHz step rate and ±32767 steps per command • Integer QPM group acquisition - captures two integer QPM measurementssimultaneously • Event-triggered timer delay - generates VMEbus interrupt up to 131.1seconds after event edge input; retriggerable • 24 control/measurement interfaces: 24 clocks, 24 gates, 24 outputs • RS-422 differential interface with support for single-ended TTL inputs • Options allow configurations of 4, 8, 16, and 24 interfaces • On-board 15 MHz 68HC000 CPU • A32/A24/D32/D16/D8 (EO) VME slave interface, 64 Kbyte VMEbusmemory window • Data exchange interface: ANSI/IEEE standard 754-1985 for 32-bitfloating-point arithmetic • Continuous measurement modes • VMEbus compatible ANSI/IEEE 1014-1987 IEC 821 and 297

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APPLICATIONS • Rotational shaft instrumentation: angular position, velocity, acceleration • Automotive industry testing: brakes, transmissions, tachometer • Robotics • Telescope/observatory • Medical/laboratory instruments • Linear position measurement: distance, velocity, acceleration • Elevators • Overhead cranes • X-Y tables • Machine tools • Automatic storage retrieval

Once programmed by the VMEbus host, theVMIVME-2540 ICC performs these functionsautomatically. The on-board CPU maintains data structuresin shared local memory for buffering measurements andqueueing control commands. Measurement functions arealso supported by a Continuous Measurement Mode inwhich measurements are made repeatedly without host CPUinvolvement. I/O connections are routed throughhigh-density connectors located on the front panel withsupport for differential and single-ended signal levels. Theuser data exchange interface for measurement andgeneration modes complies with ANSI/IEEE Standard754-1985 for 32-bit floating-point arithmetic. Integer modesoperate with two’s complement signed arithmetic and withunsigned arithmetic. The ICC counter circuitry consists of sixprogrammable System Timing Controllers (STCs). EachSTC provides the ICC with four high-speedcounter/waveform synthesis interfaces, giving theVMIVME-2540 twenty-four channels of digitalmeasurement and control. The STC counters may beconfigured individually or in groups of up to four toimplement the various measurement and control functions.The on-board 68HC000 CPU configures and manages eachSTC interface directly, allowing the VMEbus host interfaceto be elevated above the hardware level. Ordering optionsallow the VMIVME-2540 to be factory configured with 1,2, 4, or 6 System Timing Controllers. The inputs andoutputs of the System Timing Controllers are buffered at thefront panel connectors with RS-422 line receivers and linedrivers. TTL input signal compatibility is supported byconnecting the inverting input of the RS-422 line receiver toan on-board 1.4 V reference through the front panel, and theTTL signal to the noninverting input.

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The user interface of the Intelligent Counter/Controlleris implemented by a 15 MHz 68HC000 CPU supported by64 Kbyte of EPROM firmware, 128 Kbyte ofzero-wait-state static RAM, and highly-integrated controland interrupt logic. The VMEbus host programs the ICC byqueueing function control blocks in local memory andissuing commands. The CPU responds to the commands byinterpreting the function control blocks, configuring thesystem timing controllers, and then acknowledging the hostcommand. Once configured, the CPU maintains datastructures of measurement data in local memory andinterrupts the VMEbus host when a measurement or controlprocess is complete. The slave VMEbus interface of the VMIVME-2540locates the 64 Kbyte VMEbus local memory window in A32or A24 address space with DIP switches, with nonprivilegedand/or Supervisory access. The VMEbus host must arbitratewith the 68HC000 CPU for local bus access since the RAMis shared. The data accesses may be D32, D24, D16, andD08, and unaligned transfers are supported. Because thelocal CPU executes its code from RAM, the arbiterrelinquishes control of the local resources after a singleVMEbus data transfer.


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