LD800HSE 3BDH000320R0101 | Foundation Fieldbus Link Device

LD800HSE 3BDH000320R0101 | Foundation Fieldbus Link Device

Brand: ABB

Product ID: LD800HSE 3BDH000320R0101

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF) is a fieldbus protocol based on internationalstandards and designed for applications in the manufacturing industry, processautomation and buildings automation. The guidelines for this fieldbus standard arepublished by the Fieldbus Foundation. FF defines two communication profiles, H1 and HSE. The H1 profile, with atransmission rate of 31.25 kbit/s, is preferably used for direct communicationbetween field devices in one link (H1 link). The HSE profile, which is based onstandard Ethernet and typically features a transmission rate of 100 Mbit/s, servesfirst and foremost as a powerful backbone for the connection between H1 links. Thefirst devices that are already available on the market and support the HSE profile areFF linking devices. They serve as a gateway between the field devices on the H1links and the HSE subnet

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Features of the Linking Device The LD 800HSE is a gateway between an FF High Speed Ethernet (FF-HSE) subnetand FF-H1 links. It supports device redundancy. The linking device is registered as class 42c of the HSE profile, therefore providingthe following functions: • It supports up to four separate galvanically isolated FF-H1 links. In each ofthese links, the linking device operates as the Link Master as well as the SMTime Publisher • Identification of devices connected to the H1 links • Configuration of connected H1 devices through System Management andNetwork Management via HSE • Access to the function blocks of connected H1 devices via HSE • Republishing of process data between H1 links • Republishing of process data from H1 to HSE and vice versa • Distribution of alarms and events sent by H1 devices

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Functionality in the HSE subnet: • System Management Agent • Network Management Agent • Server providing object access to H1 devices • Publishing/Subscribing of process data from/to H1 devices • Distribution of alarms and events sent by H1 devices • Time synchronization via SNTP • IP address configurable via integrated web server

Functionality in the H1 links: • System Management Manager • Network Management Manager • Client for object access • Publisher and Subscriber of process data • Reception of alarms and events • Link Master, SM Time Publisher

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Integration into the Industrial IT System Structure FOUNDATION Fieldbus subsystem is linked to the control system via the HSEsubnet. The linking devices LD 800HSE serve as gateways between the fielddevices on the H1 links and the HSE subnet. The FOUNDATION Fieldbussubsystem consists of linking devices and possibly other devices whichcommunicate with one another using the HSE protocol and subsidiary H1 links. Asa device registered as a class 42c device of the HSE profile the LD 800HSE allowsprocess data that are being published cyclically on the subsidiary H1 links to berepublished on the HSE subnet. By using HSE republishing, it is possible toconfigure cyclical communication between field devices on different H1 links anddevices on the HSE subnet. Furthermore alarms and events from H1 devices arecommunicated to the Connectivity Servers FF, thus allowing seamless integration inthe overall 800xA alarm management philosophy. The displayed system structure also includes redundant LD 800HSE. Thecorresponding H1 ports of both physical linking devices making up a redundant setof linking devices are connected to the same H1 link. Both physical devicesbelonging to a redundant set are connected via a serial RS-232 null modem cable forexchanging redundancy control information.

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