3701/55 289761-01 | Bently Nevada Emergency Shutdown Device

3701/55 289761-01 | Bently Nevada Emergency Shutdown Device

Brand: Bently Nevada

Product ID: 289761-01

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



The 3701/55 Emergency Shutdown Device, (ADAPT ESD) is asafety PLC with a graphical logic programming interface andintegrated overspeed detection. ADAPT ESD is designed foremergency shutdown of rotating machinery such as steam,gas, and hydro turbines, expanders, and other processequipment. ADAPT ESD is a compact, standalone, triple-redundant, safetyshutdown device that is designed to meet a broad range ofuser scenarios and applications. The design offers anelectrical and mechanical package with attention toreliability and availability as well as extensive self-diagnosticsand compliance to industry standards.

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Inputs Inputs to the system are processed using three CPU modulesto provide triple modular redundancy (TMR). Each CPUprocessing module processes two unique speed inputchannels, for a total of six speed channels for the system. Theprocessing modules also monitor an array of 32 discrete (DI)and process variable (PV) signal inputs. Twelve channels ofthis input signal array may be configured either as discreteinputs or 4-20 mA analog inputs. Remaining channels in thearray are reserved for discrete input signals only. Outputs Machinery shutdown functionality of the 3701/55 ADAPT ESDsystem is actuated by TMR relay output modules. Each relayoutput module has five relays with a level of configurabilitythat accommodates a variety of applications andrequirements. Four of the five relays in each module are usedto annunciate system logic. The remaining relay reflects theOK/NOTOK status of the associated protection path. The Bently Nevada Monitor Configuration softwareprovides a graphical interface to configurerelay logic. The state of each relay isdetermined by the system inputs andconfigured system logic in conjunction with thecontrol state of the relay. Relay control statesdepend on the application, and may be set asnormally energized/de-energized andindependent one-out-of-one, (1oo1), voting orTMR two-out-of-three, (2oo3), voting. Each CPUmodule in the system has two, internallypowered, 4-20 mA recorder outputs controlledby the full-scale speed set by the user throughthe Monitor Configuration software.

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Compliance The 3701/55 ESD complies with most applicabletechnical regulations and standards. • North American general safety, CSAcertified • CE, Low Voltage and Electro-MagneticCompatibility • Functional Safety certification (SIL) • CE, Machinery Directive • North American, Hazardous Areacertification, CSA certified • European ATEX and IECEx Hazardous Areacertification pending 3701 ADAPT ESD Overview Typical (and recommended) applications ofthe ADAPT ESD will use a triple modularredundant architecture. In this configuration,each processor module physically connects toan array of 32 input channels, 12 of which areconfigurable as discrete inputs or 4-20 mAanalog inputs, as well as two speed inputs. TheBently Nevada Monitor Configuration softwareallows you to configure large combinations oflogic blocks in order to manage the system triplogic. This logic dictates how the tripmechanisms for the system are driven.  TheADAPT ESD system can drive 12 independent triprelays.  Of the 12 relays, six of these signals canoptionally be configured for two-out-of-three,(2oo3), voting.  In the 2oo3 arrangement, thesystem activates a relay only when any two ofthe three CPU modules drive to trip. Inindependent mode, or one-out-of-one voting,any single CPU that drives to trip will cause anassigned relay to activate on thecorresponding output card. For the highestsafety, the system should be configured in “deenergize to trip”, or “normally energized” modeso that loss of power will not result in a machinerunning unmonitored.

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ADAPT ESD Processing Module(CPU) The ADAPT ESD system has three CPU modules. The CPU (part number 323174-01) is a state-ofthe-art, high-performance CPU module. Allthree CPU modules process all 32 discreteinputs and 12 analog inputs. Each individualCPU module processes two speed inputs, for atotal of six speed inputs. The CPU modulefeatures redundant Ethernet connections. TheCPU receives trip logic configuration from theBently Nevada Monitor Configuration software. The trip logic can have up to 500 logic steps.The input-to-output decision time is optimizedto provide 2ms nominal logic processing timeand 8ms relay toggle time in order to minimizethe overall duration between detection of anemergency condition and successfulshutdown. All embedded code on the CPU iscapable of being upgraded withoutdisassembly of the system. ADAPT ESD Relay Module There are three relay modules in each ESDsystem.  Each Relay Module (part number323073-01) has five relay contacts. Two of therelays are independent relays, driven by acorresponding CPU module. The remaining tworelays are configurable as either independentor 2oo3 voted. When using a 2oo3 mechanicaltrip assembly, a typical installation wouldinvolve a series connection of one independentrelay from each of the three relay modules.Each of the three CPUs would independentlydrive relays on each of the three relay cards.When two of the three CPUs drive for trip, thetrip assembly would have the inputs it needs toactuate the safety mechanism. Alternately,2oo3 relays can be implemented directly onthe ESD system. The remaining fifth relay is aprotection fault relay used to convey the overallhealth/status of the system. The ADAPT ESDsystem drives the protection fault relay tobroadcast a condition has compromised theintegrity of the system.



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