IS200EMIOH1ACA - Exciter Main I/O Board

IS200EMIOH1ACA - Exciter Main I/O Board

Brand: General Electric

Product ID: IS200EMIOH1ACA

Condition: New / used

Terms of payment: Paypal、T/T 、Western Union



Part Number: IS200EMIOH1ACA
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)
Number of relay channels: 12
Size: 8.26 cm high x 4.19 cm wide x 12.1 cm deep
Technology: Surface-mount
Series: EX2100
Function: Exciter Main I/O Board

Functional Description

IS200EMIOH1ACA is a Exciter Main I/O Board developed by GE. It is part of the GE Speedtronic EX2100 gas turbine control system. The Main I/O board is an essential component designed to handle input and output operations within the control rack.

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Board Design and Mounting

  • Single Slot, Double-Height VME Style Design: The board adopts a single slot, double-height VME (Versa Module Eurocard) style design, ensuring compatibility with standard control rack configurations. This design choice allows the board to fit snugly into the control rack setup without occupying excessive space, optimizing the utilization of available rack space.
  • Seamless Integration into Control Rack: By adhering to the VME standard, seamlessly integrates into the control rack alongside other compatible modules and components. Its standardized dimensions and mounting points facilitate straightforward installation, eliminating the need for custom modifications or adjustments to the rack structure.
  • Compact Form Factor: Despite its robust functionality, maintains a compact form factor, minimizing its physical footprint within the control rack. This compactness is essential for optimizing space utilization and ensuring efficient airflow management within the rack enclosure, contributing to overall system reliability.
  • Ease of Installation and Maintenance: The standardized design and mounting simplify both installation and maintenance tasks. Installation involves securely mounting the board within the designated slot in the control rack, while maintenance activities such as component replacement or troubleshooting can be performed with ease due to accessible mounting points and clear labeling of board features.
  • Robust Construction for Reliability: Constructed from high-quality materials and components, engineered to withstand the rigors of industrial environments. Its robust construction ensures long-term reliability and performance, even in demanding operating conditions.

Input/Output Handling

  • Versatile Input and Output Management: The primary function of the board revolves around the management of input and output operations from various terminal boards, including EPCT, ECTB, EACF, and EXTB. These terminal boards interface with a wide array of sensors, actuators, and control devices, generating diverse signals and data types critical for system operation.
  • Comprehensive Signal Processing: The board is designed to handle a broad spectrum of signals and data types, ranging from analog and digital inputs to relay outputs and trip relay drives. This comprehensive approach enables the board to accommodate the diverse needs of industrial applications, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with different types of equipment and devices.
  • Control and Monitoring Capabilities: By effectively managing input and output operations, facilitates comprehensive control and monitoring capabilities within the system. It enables real-time monitoring of process variables, equipment status, and environmental conditions, empowering operators to make informed decisions and take prompt action as needed.
  • Enhanced System Functionality: The seamless integration of input and output operations by the board enhances system functionality and performance. It enables precise control of industrial processes, automation of tasks, and implementation of safety protocols, contributing to increased efficiency, reliability, and safety in industrial environments.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Versatility extends to its scalability and flexibility, allowing it to adapt to evolving system requirements and accommodate future expansions or modifications. Its modular design and compatibility with a variety of terminal boards make it an ideal choice for diverse industrial applications, from manufacturing and power generation to transportation and infrastructure.

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Supported Signals and Inputs

  • Potential Transformer (PT) and Current Transformer (CT) Signals: The board is equipped to process PT and CT signals, which are vital for measuring voltage and current levels in power systems. These signals provide crucial insights into the electrical parameters of the system, enabling precise monitoring and control of power generation, distribution, and consumption processes.
  • Contact Inputs: The board accommodates contact inputs, which serve as binary indicators of equipment status, operational states, or alarm conditions. These inputs allow the system to detect and respond to changes in the environment or equipment conditions, facilitating timely action and ensuring operational integrity and safety.
  • Output Relay Drivers:Output relay drivers on the board enable the control and actuation of relay devices, which in turn control the operation of various components. These drivers provide the necessary power and signals to activate relays, facilitating the execution of control commands and automation processes.
  • Pilot Trip Relay Drives: Pilot trip relay drives play a crucial role in initiating protective actions or shutdown sequences in response to abnormal conditions or fault events detected within the system. The board's support for pilot trip relay drives ensures the implementation of effective protective measures, safeguarding equipment and personnel from potential hazards.

Gate Pulse Signal Transmission

  • Logic-Level Gate Pulse Signals: The board generates logic-level gate pulse signals, which serve as crucial commands for controlling power conversion processes. These signals are typically used to trigger the switching of power electronic devices such as thyristors or transistors, facilitating the regulation and conversion of electrical power within the system.
  • Transmission Over the Backplane: The generated gate pulse signals are transmitted over the control backplane, which serves as a communication pathway connecting various control boards within the system. The backplane ensures efficient and reliable transmission of signals between different modules and components, enabling seamless coordination of system functions.
  • Interface with ESEL Board: Upon reaching the ESEL board, the gate pulse signals are received and processed accordingly. The ESEL board serves as an intermediary interface between the control system and the power conversion cabinet, facilitating the routing and distribution of control signals to the appropriate components.
  • Control of Power Conversion Processes: Once received, the gate pulse signals are further transmitted to the EGPA (Excitation Gate Pulse Amplifier) located in the power conversion cabinet. The EGPA amplifies and conditions the signals as necessary before applying them to the power electronic devices responsible for power conversion processes.
  • Facilitating Power Regulation and Control: By transmitting gate pulse signals, the board enables precise control and regulation of power conversion processes within the system. This control is essential for maintaining stable and efficient operation, optimizing energy utilization, and ensuring compliance with operational requirements and safety standards.

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