IC693CPU340 is a one slot CPU 340 Module with 32 Kbytes User Memory and 10K Registers. It has one CPU baseplate and four expansion baseplates for each system.The IC693CPU340 has a power supply that needs a load of 350 milliamps from +5 VDC supply. It uses processor 80188 that has a processing speed of 10 Megahertz. Operating Temperature of IC693CPU340 is 0 to 60 degrees C (32 to 140 degrees F) ambient. Usually, the Scanning Rate of IC693CPU340 is 0.3 milliseconds per 1K of logic (Boolean contacts). Firmware as the highest User Program Memory gives out 9.0, 240K Bytes. The exact size of the present user program memory relies on the number designed for the %R, %AI, and %AQ composed word memory types. It also has discrete input and discrete output points of 512.The CPU 340 has a Discrete Global Memory -%G of 1280 bits The IC693CPU340 Analog Inputs-%A1 and Analog output-%AQ consist of 128 words and 64 words respectively. Further, it comprises of a system register with 16 words that can only be used to reference table viewing and does not allow referencing in the user logic program. The time count for the module is normally 680 with the existence of a shift register. The module has Built-in Ports 1 (uses the connector on PLC power supply).This port holds up the SNP/SNP-X slave protocols which need CMM module for SNP/SNP-X master. In terms of Communication, it has a LAN – guide multidrop. It also offers assistance to Ethernet, FIP, Profibus, GBC, GCM and GCM+ option modules. IC693CPU340 uses RAM and optional Flash as memory storage in order to store the necessary data.
Manufacturer: GE Fanuc
Product Number: IC693CPU340
Product Type: Single-Slot CPU Module
CPU Type: Single slot CPU module
Total Baseplates per System: 5 (1 CPU baseplate + 4 expansion and/or remote)
Load Required from Power Supply: 490 milliamps from +5 VDC supply
Processor Speed: 20 MegaHertz
Processor Type: 80C188XL
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60 degrees C (32 to 140 degrees F) ambient
Typical Scan Rate: 0.3 milliseconds per 1K of logic (boolean contacts)
User Program Memory (maximum): 32K Bytes
Type of Memory Storage: RAM and optional Flash
Shipping Weight: 2 Kg
Main brands include: ABB, Bailey, GE, FOXBORO, Invensys TRICONEX, Bentley BENTLY, A-B Rockwell, EMERSON EMERSON, B&R, MOTOROLA, FUANC, REXROTH, KUKA, HONEYWELL, NI, DEIF, Yokogawa, WOODWARD, Ryan, SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER, Yaskawa, MOOG, EPRO, PROSOFT and other major brands
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